London Open Intra Day Analysis 28.07.2014

London Open Intra Day Analysis 28.07.2014

Postby Atlas CapitalFx » Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:50 am

London Open Intra Day Analysis 28.07.2014

The London open



Time frame: 1 hour
Trend: Down
Outlook: The price action is trading back into the negatively layered moving averages.
Probable scenario: Short beneath 1.3426
Alternate scenario: Long above 1.3436
Intraday levels: Open: 1.3431, R1 1.3453, R2 1.3476, S1 1.3408, S2 1.3385



Time frame: 1 hour
Trend: Down
Outlook: The price action is trading back into the negatively layered moving averages.
Probable scenario: Short beneath 1.6974
Alternate scenario: Long above 1.6996
Intraday levels: Open: 1.6978, R1 1.7009, R2 1.7040, S1 1.6946, S2 1.6915



Time frame: 1 hour
Trend: Up
Outlook: Price action trading back into positively layered moving averages.
Probable scenario: Long above 101.86
Alternate scenario: Short beneath 101.74
Intraday levels: Open: 101.78, R1 101.94, R2 102.11, S1 101.62, S2 101.46



Time frame: 1 hour
Outlook: Up
Price action: Price action trading back into positively layered moving averages.
Probable scenario: Long above 0.9052
Alternate scenario: Short beneath 0.9043
Intraday levels: Open: 0.9045, R1 0.9061, R2 0.9076, S1 0.9029, S2 0.9014
Atlas CapitalFx
Posts: 678
Joined: Mon Dec 17, 2012 7:53 am

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