i am working on an ea that will copy all of the trades from one mt4 terminal to many other mt4 terminals over the intranet or internet
right now it is in the initial stages of function and i have tested it on two computers and sending more than 30 trade changes at a time from the server computer to the client computer
the response time is 1 tick on my network but i want to test it sending to many clients over the internet
for example i have 30 trades on the server mt4 and i make a stop loss adjustment to all 30 trades at one time ( with a script ) -
all 30 changes are then sent to the client and modified in a couple of seconds
this is how long it takes for 30 changes at a time - but for one change it happens on the next tick
the system uses 2 ea ' s ( server and client ) and one exe file .
the server runs the server ea and executes the transfer application as a server that waits for connections from the clients and sends all the trade information to the clients
the clients run the client ea and execute the transfer application as a client that connects to the server and receives all trade information from the server
right now there are no options or settings for lot sizes or 4 or 5 digits or anything - so it is only good for using on demo only accounts
if anyone is interested in testing then send me a private message or contact me on skype - my user account is edlogic