I have made an EA that has been working for me for the past 4 months. Basically what I have learnt with EAs is that if the market is trending at any given time, A trend based EA will do well, but then lose, when the ranging market hits. And Vice Versa, If an EA wins during ranging markets, One big trend and you have lost all profits and more.
So I have made 2 EAs that compliments each other and seems to be winning regardless if the market is trending or Ranging. And has done so for 4 months now.
I would like to share this with some serious traders so if you are interested, email me at [email protected] .
Here is a youtube video explaining it a bit more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJrpdOV6QJ4
Or a shorter video if you dont have the time

Happy trading! And I hope this helps people reach their goal of being financially free forex trader!